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Monday, May 25, 2015


Its nice that people today remember those that have been killed in different wars,the politicians love days like this so they come out with their "sad faces" some of them share a tear or two,and they tell the people that those fallen soldiers did not die in vain,yara, yara, yara, yet those  are the same folks that be in the senate or house of representatives,or in the presidency, keep sending our youth to useless and endless wars to be slaughtered,Bush father and then Junior got us in to two quagmires in Afghanistan and Irak, wars that were started just for the greed of a few that became super millionaires from those two conflicts,and today we see, it was a waste of time,money and more important the cost in lives,young people that die leaving their families forever in pain,while those in Washington give them a flag and a "God Bless You". 
Watching the news the other day, saw an anguish mother crying her heart out,because her 22 year old had been killed in Ramadi, Irak a few years back, and now she turns the TV on and sees,that the same city her son died defending has fallen into the hands of barbarians, now let any politician go and tell her that her son did not die in vain... Can someone tell me when was the last time that the son or daughter of a Senator, Representative,or the President, died in war??? l don't it has ever happened,and probably never will,if they felt the pain that so many are feeling today,they would think twice before starting wars,which are not to defend our country but rather to satisfy their Macho Egos......

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