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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Esteban Santiago, a killing machine build and created by the U.S Government.....

Let me preface this writing by saying that l do not condone in any way the actions of the young man that did the killings at the airport in Fla.
Having said that, l find is very important to take a deeper look at what happened and whether it could have been prevented if our government had done its job.
Esteban Santiago, joined the Puerto Rican National Guard as a 16 year old kid, here in Puerto Rico the Guard is basically a joke,its head is a political hack appointed by whoever is the governor of the island,many scandals within the Guard have become public news in the last few years,also from those in the know the training is very poor,with this kind of background Esteban Santiago is sent to fight in Irak for a year,now this 18 year old is in the real world where you must be on guard 24/7 and becomes a kill or be killed way of life while in Irak,this not a video game, here your best friend is blown to pieces right next to you,or as you drive by a car bomb explodes killing women,children,etc and all you see are body parts all over,does anyone think that being exposed to this type of carnage on a daily basis is not going to have an impact on the psychic of this kid?.After a year and after being awarded some medal for courage he is sent back home,is he given any kind of help to deal with what he just went thru?,or if he complained he was given some pills and sent on its way? He goes back to the National Guard, a few years later he is discharged for "Unsatisfactory Performance" whatever the hell that means,obviously he is not well mentally,now he doesn't get much benefits,and is forced to work as a security guard to keep his family,his family can see that he is not well and talk about it. Two months ago he takes the initiative and goes to the local FBI office in Alaska and tells them about hearing voices that are telling him to join ISIS,this should have been a huge RED FLAG,but what does the FBI do,they send him on its way without any help and turn him over to the local authorities who give him a quick check and forget all about him,two days ago he snapped and  we have the results that we all have seen.Like Esteban there thousands of veterans in the same boat and unless someone in power decides to do something about,more cases like this we will see........

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