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Monday, August 17, 2009

Health Care - Part 2

A few of my friends,people whose opinions l respect a great deal, and others keep insisting that in order for them to support President's Obama's Health Care Reform, first, all members of congress as well as the President and his staff must give up their private Health insurance, and only then they would look at the President's proposals on a more favorable light.

IMO this health care reform should be gear only to the middle and lower class, those earnings less than lets say $120,000 a year,those are the people that need the help and whom at this time are being raped and abused by the insurance companies and their cohorts in the pharmaceutical industry.

Frankly, l couldn't care less and l don't want my taxes to pay for insurance for Nancy Pelosi, Hillary, and the rest of rich congressmen and women. They can pay and keep their own private insurance, also if we limit who will get the government insurance based on yearly earnings then the burden to the taxpayers would be much less.

Sadly, l have to admit that the president's reform probably will not pass,the opposition to it even from the democrats is not based on what is better for the American people but rather in the fact that the insurance and pharmaceutical industries are among the biggest donors and contributors to those senators campaigns and of course they can't go against those that give them the money to get elected.

I hope that common sense will prevail and some kind of middle ground solution to this dilemma can be found ,if not ,l am afraid that the banking debacle of the last year will be kid's play to what we will be facing when we can't afford to go to a hospital,see a doctor ,or purchase medicine.

1 comment:

  1. Amen brother. The reason why I said when all of them give up what we, the taxpayers, are giving them is simply because of the built in corruption that is inherent in all of these politicians.
    Instead of taking the bull by the horn and putting an end to insurance and big pharma abuses he has been half stepping and politicking.
    The whole issue has taken a negative turn when instead of submitting the plan to public scrutiny it became a We have to pass this right away.
    Right there "lo jodieron".
    After my heart attack I had to seek group insurance otherwise no one would insure me, we have probably the best system in the world except for insurance and pharmaceutical abuse.
    Rolo it is not that I would look at the President's plan if he gives up his Private insurance, it is the fact that this plan they tried to ram through without even the benefit of a debate. Until we find a middle ground nothing is going to happen. In that sense we have no democrats or republicans what we have is a whole bunch of people who look after their own interest without putting the country's interest first.
    A third political party is long overdue in this country until we do is business as usual.

    Un abrazo
