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Friday, March 25, 2016

Week of Changes In Cuba,and now The Rolling Stones...

What a fantastic week it has been for my people in Cuba,first our president visits and in the face of Cuban dictator Raul Castro he proceeds to tell the Cuban people about political reforms,Human Rights,freedom of speech,political prisoners,etc topics that have been unheard of in public for many years.and today my favorite band The Rolling Stones will play for free for the Cuban people,not for the dictators,not for the elite that runs Cuba,but for the average Cuban with a monthly salary of $20.00 who never in a lifetime could afford a Rolling Stones ticket,a band whose music was banned in Cuba for many years,so changes are happening in my homeland,and l could not be happier,to Mick and the boys thank you for this amazing gesture,my people will appreciated it,
l won't be there in person(state dept refuse me a visa)but will be watching by periscope or any other way,hope you play Street Fighting Men,for the ones that against all odds have been fighting the Dictatorship and continue to do so...Rock On..

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