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Sunday, July 14, 2013

  My Opinion :  
 Trevor Martin,George Zimmerman,and the usual suspects:

                            Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Roddy White:
" All them jurors should go home tonight and kill themselves for letting a grown man get away with killing a kid"

I believe that Mr White must have been hit in the head one too many times ,to make such an asinine comment,
l guess by that reasoning if Zimmerman had been found guilty,then those same jurors that he wants to kill themselves,would be receiving  medals and Kudos from all around for doing  "justice" to T Martin...
This trial from day one was a circus created by the media,in order to get ratings,the facts of the case did not support the hysteria created by the news outlets from day one, although, you are supposed to be innocent till proven guilty,the media casted Zimmerman as the guilty one and Trevor Martin as the innocent angelic kid just taking a walk around his neighborhood eating candies...
But, as we saw during the trial it wasn't as simple as that,for close to 2 months the prosecution held back crucial evidence from the defense,pictures that showed,the injuries that Z received at the hands of T,emergencies phone calls were doctored by the news media,to back up their agendas,pictures and messages that Trevor had in his cell phone,showing him with a gun,smoking pot,and wanting to buy a gun for who knows what reason ,were ignored .....
I am sorry that T Martin got killed,and l understand his family pain and frustration,but we have a legal system that although not perfect by a long stretch, is the best in the world,in most countries you are guilty until you can prove yourself innocent,what is bothersome is how as sad as this case is for all involved,we have everyday many young black teenagers getting shot all over our country,and no one makes anything out of it,perhaps cause in some cases the shooter are of the same race,and therefore they get a free pass from the NAACP,and that beacon of fairness the Rve Al Sharpton who said"The acquittal of George Zimmerman is a slap in the face to the American people but it is only the first round in the pursuit of justice,".
When O J was found innocent of killing a white woman,l did not hear the same accusations to our justice system,then it was,"the system works".
Right now, we have the case of the football player Hernandez accused of shooting and killing a black man, l ask, how come the news media and the rest are not making this a racial thing?
Basically we need to learn that the system works,and indeed many times we will not agree with its decisions,but,it is done, and we need to move on and try to fix those areas that are not up to par,but in a  peaceful way not attacking and hurting innocent people whose only crime is not being of the same race as those protesting........

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