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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Don't say anything negative about Islam or you will be killed...

I am sick and tired of the double standard that prevails when discussing Islam and their religion.
People can disrespect the bible
Call those of us that believe in God a bunch of "Morons,babbling idiots with no intelligence".
State as a fact the "Theory" of evolution over Creationism.
Call Jesus all kinds of names.
Discriminate against you if you wear a cross.
Make you a laughing stock if you pray
But don't you dare try to rationally point out the faults of Islam,such as being a very violent and intolerant religion with no sense of understanding of other peoples views or beliefs.
A religion that has the most fanatics followers(in this century),whom will burn alive a family including children in a village in Pakistan cause someone started a rumor that this family who were Christian had somehow defiled their bible(The Koran).
A religion that would try to kill a person that made a film about them.
A religion that would try to kill an author Salman Rushdie,cause he mentioned their prophet on it.
A religion in which women are less than second class citizens.
A religion were "Honor Killings" are accepted and encourage by family members.
A religion that would sentence a young man to 5 years in jail plus 1000.00(one thousand lashes)just because he discussed his sex life on tv,plus the station was shut down.
and so much more .
But somehow we most give these Zealots and their religion a free pass, and don't you dare write,film,or say anything about them cause you will be label as not being Politically Correct", Well to me that's bullshit ,l don't go into a killing spree cause people,don't believe in the bible,that's their right and if anyone wants to have a reasonable discussion where all can talk and "listen" then l am all for it,but don't tell me l am some kind of aberration cause l point out the faults and craziness that Islam imho is.
Anyone that that disagrees with this, is welcome to say so, and if you want we can have a discussion about it.

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