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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Health Care--My take Part 1

Let me begin by categorically stating that l am a Capitalist and that l believe in the system, simple put IMHO is the only system that truly allows regular folks that work hard to succeed .

Communism and Socialism have been proven to be obsolete and plainly not good for the people that they claim to help, case in point Cuba and Venezuela,both of whose economies are in the worst shape ever and the people are suffering, hell, even that paradise of communism and socialism China has decided that it doesn't work and are working under something l would call Capitalism "Light",and they have one of the strongest economies around,same thing can be said about India,etc.

Having said that l also believe that the problems that our country is facing at this time are a direct result of Capitalism running wild and unchecked by anyone.

The banking industry had a free ride during the Bush administration,with no checks and balance, so what did we get?

The value of all our assets going down to a level never seen before,since the great depression,hard working people losing their homes,and jobs,while the Bank's CEO's were getting huge bonuses and Golden Parachutes as rewards for their incompetence,and for screwing over the country, now we are facing the same problems with the health care industry.

Insurance companies are the new banks of this year,they charge outrageous premiums while reducing coverage,now days the average working person in our country can't afford Health Insurance,and the same politicians that turned a blind eye while the banks and Maddof were raping the country, now are trying to tell us that any regulation of the Health Care industry is bad and that it smacks of Socialism.

l am a business owner ,my wife and me are in our 50's,excellent health,no preconditions,etc,yet our monthly insurance premium is approx $600.00,who the hell can afford that?,l believe we have had enough, someone needs to step up and put a stop to these abuses,l believe president Obama's plan for health care reform,is the right way to go,yes, is not perfect but even the president has said that he is willing to listen and adapt new suggestions that will improve his plan,what we cannot do is sit on our collective rears and do nothing or keep arguing about the small stuff for the next four years.

President Obama is a great communicator on the par of Ronald Reagan, he needs to explain his plan in plain language directly to the American people,the insurance industry are spending millions every day and are succeeding in confusing the people with their adds.

So in this, Mr Obama has my full support, "and that's all l am gonna say about that"..

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