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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Bill Cosby and the allegations...ENOUGH.....

I don't know about anyone else,but all these allegations about Cosby 30 years later with no proof ,except the ranting of people like Janice Dickerson ,are starting to get boring real fast,look rape is nothing to joke about,so l don't understand why none of these people came forward at the time of the alleged incident (s),it seems to me that most of them are nothing more than publicity seeking whores, like this one now."he gave me a Qualude,and l passed out and when l woke up had a guy on top of me" Please, did he held your mouth open by force to take the Lude? and by the way l doubt that a Lude would knock you out,in a way that you did not know what was happening,if anything it would make you mellow,but you are aware of everything...Also let me make clear l don't like Cosby as a comedian,rarely if ever saw his show,but this thing is getting ridiculous...Anyway my Rant for the day......