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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nelson Mandela -La verdad y la Hipocrecia....Mi Opinion

Acaba de morir Nelson Mandela ,y el mundo llora su partida lo que en realidad me parece un poco over the top,ya que el hombre tenia 95 años,y estaba postrado en una cama desde hace mucho tiempo,y la realidad es que ya no pintaba mucho en la politica de su pais Africa Del Sur,QDEP.
Personalmente, admiro su lucha contra la discriminacion racial en su pais natal,y su perseverancia en contra del systema apartheid que lo llevo a cumplir una larga e injusta condena de carcel,desafortunadamente ese mismo inpetu de lucha contra las injusticias no lo llevo hacer lo mismo cuando se trataba de las violaciones de los derechos humanos de dictaduras de izquierda como fue el caso de su apoyo incondicional a la dictadura de Fidel Castro en Cuba,con la cantaleta que eran aliados en la lucha antimperialista, y PREGUNTO YO que de las decenas de hombres y mujeres cubanos que se han metido,mas tiempo en una carcel cubana que la que Mandela cumplio en Africa del Sur?  O es que los mismos derechos por los cuales Mandela lucho tan valientamente en su pais no aplicaban a los presos de Cuba? esa siempre ha sido la incongruencia de aquellos que defienden a todo el mundo siempre y cuando sean en paises de tendencia de derecha ,pero god forbid que tengan los cojones de tambien criticar a los Castros y sus aliados, la realidad es que todos son seres humanos con los mismos derechos,sean en una dictadura de derecha o de Izquierda,pero asi es la vida y la hipocrecia sale a relucir cuando muere alguien de la talla de Nelson Mandela.
Aqui en Puerto Rico, el gobernador declaro 4 dias de duelo por la muerte de Mandela,se lo aplaudimos, pero ese es el mismo gobernador que no tiene los pantalones de pedirle al presidente Obama la liberacion de Oscar Lopez un preso politico Puerto Riqueño que ya ha cumplido sobre 30 años en una carcel federal de los Estados Unidos.
Mira esta foto, esta es una mujer cubana agredida por las bestias que defienden la dictadura de Fidel Y Raul Castro,por solo ella tratar de ejercer sus derechos de protestar contra el regimen, donde estan los defensores de los derechos humanos en este caso?..Silencio antes las injusticias como esta los hace complices de ellas...

Friday, July 19, 2013


Its is my believe that many good people are being mislead with the Stand your Ground arguments,trying to repeal this law in the wake of the Zimmerman acquittal,although Z's defense did invoked this law at points during the trial,l don't think that jurors actually found Z not guilty because of that law,from l have read they decided to acquit for many different reasons,not just SYG..
Here is a definition of the law..
"A stand-your-ground law is a type self-defense law that gives individuals the right to use reasonable force to defend themselves without any requirement to evade or retreat from a dangerous situation. It is common in multiple jurisdictions within the United States. The concept sometimes exists in statutory law and sometimes through common law precedents. One key distinction is whether the concept only applies to defending a home or vehicle, or whether it applies to all lawfully occupied locations. Under these legal concepts, a person is justified in using deadly force in certain situations and the "stand your ground" law would be a defense or immunity to criminal charges and civil suit. The difference between immunity and a defense is that an immunity bars suit, charges, detention and arrest. A defense, such as an affirmative defense, permits a plaintiff or the state to seek civil damages or a criminal conviction but may offer mitigating circumstances that justify the accused's conduct.
More than half of the states in the United States have adopted the Castle doctrine, stating that a person has no duty to retreat when their home is attacked. Some states go a step further, removing the duty of retreat from other locations. "Stand Your Ground", "Line in the Sand" or "No Duty to Retreat" laws thus state that a person has no duty or other requirement to abandon a place in which he has a right to be, or to give up ground to an assailant. Under such laws, there is no duty to retreat from anywhere the defender may legally be.[1] Other restrictions may still exist; such as when in public, a person must be carrying firearms in a legal manner, whether concealed or openly.
"Stand your ground" governs U.S. federal case law in which right of self-defense is asserted against a charge of criminal homicide. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Beard v. U.S. (158 U.S. 550 (1895)) that a man who was "on his premises" when he came under attack and "...did not provoke the assault, and had at the time reasonable grounds to believe, and in good faith believed, that the deceased intended to take his life, or do him great bodily harm...was not obliged to retreat, nor to consider whether he could safely retreat, but was entitled to stand his ground."
I understand that people on the right (The NRA)defending this law,using this controversy as 2nd amendment argument,which is not, and on the left trying to revoked this law using the Martin trial as a scapegoat,both are wrong,and doing a disservice to their followers.
The law is good and helpful to the average citizen giving them the right to defend themselves,from those trying to do harm to an individual or their families ,how many of those that oppose this law,will be willing to stand and watch their wife or daughter being raped or worse, by some predator of any race?
Well, if the law was to be revoked, then that citizen could be thrown in jail for a long time,for killing or maiming that predator,who actually deserved what he got.
The Martin case was bad,and according to whichever side you were on,it was fair or a disgrace to our judicial system,but its outcome should no be used as an excuse to curtail the rights of the average citizen, not to take the law in its own hand,but to be able to defend himself and his family,from those that do not follow any rules or laws..  
Let me make it clear, l disliked profoundly the NRA and what they stand for,l also believe in sensible gun control,background checks,banning automatic weapons etc, but with many more bad guys in the streets,and the police and those that are supposed to defend us,being out maned and outgunned,then its our own responsibility to defend ourselves,our families,and businesses,without the additional fear of going to jail,for doing the right thing....
Here is another good reason why this law should stay in the books...

'Bash mobs' sweep through Southern California

Long Beach police brace for a possible "bash mob."
Organized "bash mob" crime rampages of roving groups attacking innocent people and businesses have been striking cities around the United States. Law enforcement agencies in Southern California have reported few similar problems -- until now.
In the last several days, there have been several reports of such group crime waves in South L.A., Hollywood, San Bernardino and Victorville. Long Beach police are bracing for another one Friday.
These so-called bash mobs of "flash mob" crime waves are organized through social media and have been a problem in Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington. In April, 28 Chicago youths were arrested on suspicion of attacking pedestrians along the city's famed Magnificent Mile. Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation in May enacting stiffer penalties for people who text or use social media to organize mob attacks.
Long Beach police warned in a statement that participants could face severe penalties.
"The mere participation in such an event can result in felony charges including conspiracy, and are punishable by imprisonment in the state prison," according to the statement.
Police said they feared bash mob organizers planned to hit Long Beach at 2 p.m.
Long Beach experienced such a gathering July 9, when more than 100 people descended on stretches of downtown in an organized, sudden crime rampage.
On Monday, a group of unruly young people broke off from hundreds gathered for a Trayvon Martin prayer vigil and rushed into a Wal-Mart on Crenshaw Boulevard, where they tossed merchandise and tried to break into a jewelry display case. 
In Hollywood on Tuesday night, a flash mob of thieves rushed down Hollywood Boulevard, stealing phones, knocking over tourists and vandalizing shops, according to police, who said it may have been related to the George Zimmerman verdict. Twelve people — 11 juveniles and one 18-year-old -- were arrested on suspicion of robbery. 
On Wednesday night in Victorville, authorities arrested 17 people after a group allegedly tried to force its way into the Mall of Victor Valley.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

  My Opinion :  
 Trevor Martin,George Zimmerman,and the usual suspects:

                            Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Roddy White:
" All them jurors should go home tonight and kill themselves for letting a grown man get away with killing a kid"

I believe that Mr White must have been hit in the head one too many times ,to make such an asinine comment,
l guess by that reasoning if Zimmerman had been found guilty,then those same jurors that he wants to kill themselves,would be receiving  medals and Kudos from all around for doing  "justice" to T Martin...
This trial from day one was a circus created by the media,in order to get ratings,the facts of the case did not support the hysteria created by the news outlets from day one, although, you are supposed to be innocent till proven guilty,the media casted Zimmerman as the guilty one and Trevor Martin as the innocent angelic kid just taking a walk around his neighborhood eating candies...
But, as we saw during the trial it wasn't as simple as that,for close to 2 months the prosecution held back crucial evidence from the defense,pictures that showed,the injuries that Z received at the hands of T,emergencies phone calls were doctored by the news media,to back up their agendas,pictures and messages that Trevor had in his cell phone,showing him with a gun,smoking pot,and wanting to buy a gun for who knows what reason ,were ignored .....
I am sorry that T Martin got killed,and l understand his family pain and frustration,but we have a legal system that although not perfect by a long stretch, is the best in the world,in most countries you are guilty until you can prove yourself innocent,what is bothersome is how as sad as this case is for all involved,we have everyday many young black teenagers getting shot all over our country,and no one makes anything out of it,perhaps cause in some cases the shooter are of the same race,and therefore they get a free pass from the NAACP,and that beacon of fairness the Rve Al Sharpton who said"The acquittal of George Zimmerman is a slap in the face to the American people but it is only the first round in the pursuit of justice,".
When O J was found innocent of killing a white woman,l did not hear the same accusations to our justice system,then it was,"the system works".
Right now, we have the case of the football player Hernandez accused of shooting and killing a black man, l ask, how come the news media and the rest are not making this a racial thing?
Basically we need to learn that the system works,and indeed many times we will not agree with its decisions,but,it is done, and we need to move on and try to fix those areas that are not up to par,but in a  peaceful way not attacking and hurting innocent people whose only crime is not being of the same race as those protesting........

Monday, June 17, 2013


Esto que les voy a contar sucedio el Sabado 15,en Fajardo,y aunque pareceria ser un bad script para una de esas peliculas horribles que el SCY FI nos presenta los sabados por la noche en prime time, les aseguro que esto es real y sucedio tal como se los voy a contar,pero antes debido a la cantidad de personajes y situaciones diferentes envueltos en este drama,le pondre un numero al lado de cada uno de los personajes.
1-Tecato en bicicleta
2-Delincuente de 18 años,con una pistola en la mano.
3-Madre del delincuente 
4-Novio de la madre
5-Hija de la Doña y hermana del delincuente
6-Dos Jovenes inocentes de 16,y 17 años que salen a comprar comida.
7 Policia de transito que investiga accidente.

Aqui vamos:
Viernes amanecer sabado,tecato(1) se monta en su bicicleta y llega a un caserio de Fajardo a capear como a las 3:00 de la madrugada.
Joven delincuente de 18 años(2) lo para en el Case, le saca una pistola y le dice que carajo hace en ese lugar.
Unos minutos despues la madre(3),viene corriendo a quejarse con su nene(1) de que su "novio"(4) le dio una catimba ,detras de la madre,viene el "novio"(4),y se enfrasca en una discusion con el nene(1),el novio le quita la pistola al chamaquito,y le da 4 tiros a el(1) a la madre(3),y un tiro en la cabeza al infeliz tecato(1) que lo unico que buscaba era algo para arrebatarse,el novio se manda a correr y se va del caserio.

Mientras tanto alguien llama a la hija de la señora(5),quien vive en Carolina,la joven recoge a dos jovenes amigos de ella armados y arrancan por la # 3 ruta hacia Fajardo a las mil millas.

En una humilde  casa de Rio Grande dos muchachitos de 16 y 17 años le piden permiso a su mama para ir a comprar algo de comer a un fast food,y salen en un ñangara gt,pequeño, al cruzar la #3 con la luz verde para ellos, la hija(5) de la señora(3),que vienen mandaos los chocan y los dos mueren,los amigos armados de la nena se mandan a correr,y nadie mas ha sabido de ellos,y la nena,dice que no recuerda nada,mientras la policia esta investigando este accidente un carro choca a una patrulla,y sale mal herido el oficial investigador.

Meanwhile,en el caserio todo el mundo esta acivao,las viejas bochinchando,etc, el tecato(1) con una herida de bala en la cabeza se monta en la bicy y arranca para el Caribbean Medical Center,para que lo atiendan, pero al llegar a ese hospital se forma un Riot con las gentes del caserio, el tipo se vuelve a montar en la bicicleta y arranca para su casa,donde llama a la novia y ella lo recoge y se lo lleva a otro hospital del area.. 

Al dia siguiente el "novio"(4),que esta huyio del caserio tiene la gran idea de ir a desayunar al Burger King que queda frente al caserio, mientras disfrutaba de un suculento desayuno,llegan los dueños del punto de drogas,le entran a pescosas y se lo llevan arrastrao pa dentro del Case,donde proceden a borrarle la cara con 18 tiros,(ver foto)los gatilleros son aplaudidos por los residentes por aver echo justicia .......
Aqui termina esta historia de la vida real ,por supuesto la policia continua "investigando" 
Colorin Colorao.....