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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Hurricannes , Earthquaques , Covid 19 Pandemic..


Struggles of a small business trying to survive in Puerto Rico….

Hello everyone, this is our story for the past 3 years as a small business going thru hell to stay afloat and surviving.

El Yunque Food Corp has been for the last decade the official food concessionaire for El Yunque Rain Forest here in Puerto Rico, with 4 operating locations providing service to the many visitors that came to our island up to the month of September 2017, almost three years ago, and that is when hell on earth began for us.

On Sept 7,2017 we had to close all our businesses due to Hurricane Irma battering Puerto Rico the damage wasn’t too bad and two weeks later we were getting ready to reopen then a category 5 Hurricane Maria hit us, destroying  not only all our businesses in the forest but the whole island was left in shambles, no electricity for six months, and so forth.

Due to the damages done to El Yunque, all our businesses were completely destroyed and it wasn’t until 2 years later at the end of November 2019,that we were able to reopen 1 of our locations, as soon as we reopened business was good, and we figured that with lots of work and the help of the Forest Service all our other locations would be back in business during 2020. January 7,2020,Puerto Rico is shaken up by a couple of Earthquakes, although the damage wasn’t very significant we were forced to close for a week at the start of the tourist season, once again after reopening business was great up to March 16,2020,when the Covid pandemic hit and we had to close and layoff our staff of 12 employees.

We remained closed until July 8,2020 when we were permitted to reopen under very stringent regulations, such as the Forest Service only allowing 30% of normal visitors into the forest and charging a fee to those visitors and only thru a reservations system, only cars, no tour busses. We were open for 2.5 weeks until July 28,when due to Tropical Storm Isaias we had to close until August 15, we were open for 1 week and then on August 21 we had close one more time due to Tropical Storm Laura, this time the closure was for one week and we reopened on August 27.

As of now we are still open, but all the rules and regulations on the traveling public, and the limitations to operate a restaurant at this time have contributed to a 75% drop in business, we have only been able to rehire 3-4 former employees.

This is our story, nothing has been exaggerated.

We shall continue trying to make it work under these very dire circumstances , and hoping for better days, thank you for reading and share if you so desire.

Rolando /  El Yunque Food Corp