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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hustlers,Charlatans,and Thieves, Tv Preachers....Paula and Randi White....

These two are on the top five of Hustling people for their hard earned money.
When will people realize that they are being scammed???..Watch this  video and then decide if you want to continue making them richer,and living the High Life.....

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Bill Cosby and the allegations...ENOUGH.....

I don't know about anyone else,but all these allegations about Cosby 30 years later with no proof ,except the ranting of people like Janice Dickerson ,are starting to get boring real fast,look rape is nothing to joke about,so l don't understand why none of these people came forward at the time of the alleged incident (s),it seems to me that most of them are nothing more than publicity seeking whores, like this one now."he gave me a Qualude,and l passed out and when l woke up had a guy on top of me" Please, did he held your mouth open by force to take the Lude? and by the way l doubt that a Lude would knock you out,in a way that you did not know what was happening,if anything it would make you mellow,but you are aware of everything...Also let me make clear l don't like Cosby as a comedian,rarely if ever saw his show,but this thing is getting ridiculous...Anyway my Rant for the day......

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Benny Hinn, Creofo Dollar,and the rest of the Usual Suspects,Rich beyond reason..WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?.. Part 1..

To speak the truth about some of these so called "Servants of God" amounts to heresy in some circles,but what follows is an exposed of how these hustlers live like Rock stars with private jets,Rolls Royce s,huge mansions,servants,and so much more ,and all with the money well meaning  people give to their ministries,they own TV stations,entertainment businesses ,and all, without paying one cent in taxes since they are covered under the IRS code as religious organizations that are all tax exempt..they pretend to preach the word of Jesus but could not be more different of what Jesus teachings were,Jesus loved the poor,fought and threw out of the temple the impostors that were ripping the people off, Jesus did not live in a palace,his friends were the poor,the downtrodden ,the prostitutes and the sick... These Charlatans pretend to heal people on their TV shows,but in many occasions it has been proved that the supposedly healed folks were actually planted in the audience,but at the end of their show they pass the bucket and money comes pouring in, with no accountability whatsoever, l mean this is done in a way that would make P.T Barnum proud...
They stand on their podiums and with a holier than thou attitude and preach about family values,the sanctity of marriage,Homosexuality,etc and yet in many cases they are involved in those same activities that they are preaching against..Here are just three instances in which some of these "men of the cloth" have been involved in the last few years,there are many more that it would fill a book....

Paul and Jan Crouch's Earthly Empire... TBN
TBN's Annual Income, Salaries, The Crouch’s Homes, The TBN Building and Private Suites - See more at: http://www.inplainsite.org/html/tele-evangelist_lifestyles.html#sthash.QmPH17AY.dpuf
Paul and Jan Crouch's Earthly Empire... TBN
TBN's Annual Income, Salaries, The Crouch’s Homes, The TBN Building and Private Suites - See more at: http://www.inplainsite.org/html/tele-evangelist_lifestyles.html#sthash.QmPH17AY.dpufThey take the Podium and preach about family values,the sacredness of marriage,etc,but themselves are more corrupted than any one else,yet they pretend to tell people how to lead their lives,lets see just a few of the scandals some of these preachers have been involved in the last few years..
Benny Hinn, Biography, Quotes, Beliefs and Facts
"Televangelist Benny Hinn is being sued by Strang Communications, a Christian publishing company that alleges that Hinn violated a morality clause in their contract when he began an “inappropriate relationship” with Without Walls pastor Paula White.
In August, The National Enquirer published photos of Hinn and White holding hands in Rome. Hinn was married to Suzanne Hinn at the time. His wife had filed for divorce in February 2010.
“I will not deny that the friendship has strengthened, and, while it has remained morally pure at all times, I have enjoyed the company of someone who has also gone through the trauma of a painful and public divorce,” Hinn said in a statement at the time.
Hinn acknowledged to his publisher “his inappropriate relationship” with White in August, the suit, obtained by the Orlando Sentinel, says. Strang Co. (now known as Charisma Media) says that it should receive $250,000 of unrecouped royalties but Hinn has refused to pay the amount.
Hinn had signed a three-book deal and was paid a $300,000 advance for Blood in the Sand (2009). The suit includes a letter where Strang said Hinn violated the contract by failing to work hard enough to market the book, according to the Sentinel.
He failed to make television appearances to promote it, including several on 700 Club, the television show that Pat Robertson founded.
Paula White and her husband divorced in 2007, and she left Without Walls, returning in 2009 after her husband announced his departure due to poor health. White also described the National Enquirer piece as false.
“We were never alone and were in the constant company of staff and other associates,” she said in a statement at the time. “I value my friendship with Pastor Benny and remain supportive with a deep respect of him, his family and his ministry. My relationship with Pastor Benny is genuine and pure and should not be taken out of context.”
Hinn and White were cited in Sen. Chuck Grassley’s investigation of televangelists, which recently concluded.


Pastor Creflo Dollar charged with attacking his daughter

By Douglas Stanglin, USA TODAY
Updated 2012-06-09 5:30 PM
Megachurch pastor Creflo Dollar was arrested in Georgia on charges of attacking his 15-year-old daughter during an argument, WXIA-TV reports.The founder and pastor of World Changers Church International is accused of simple battery and cruelty to children for allegedly attacking his daughter during an fight over whether she could attend a party.
Update, Sat., June 9, 5:17 p.m. ET:
Dollar issued this statement Friday afternoon, the Associated Press reports:
"As a father I love my children and I always have their best interest at heart at all times, and I would never use my hand to ever cause bodily harm to my children. The facts in this case will be handled privately to further protect my children. My family thanks you for your prayers and continued support."
Original Post, Fri., June 8 1:22 p.m. ET:
The police report says Dollar choked his daughter, then threw her to the ground, punched her and hit her with his shoe during a fight at his metro Atlanta home.
When police interviewed Dollar, he said he tried to restrain his daughter when she "became very disrespectful," according to the report.
Dollar acknowleged spanking his daughter and wrestling her to the floor, but said it was because she hit him.
The responding officer noticed a scratch on the daughter's neck near her throat, WXIA reports. She tells police her father gave her the scratch during the fight.
Fayette County Sheriff's Office investigator Brent Rowan says the 50-year-old pastor "got physical" with her, leaving her with "superficial injuries," the Associated Press reports.
Dollar, who preaches a "Prosperity theology" in his Sunday sermons that are broadcast internationally, bonded out of a Fayette county jail this morning.
The theology, which teaches that God wants to bless the faithful with earthly riches, drew the attention of Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who targeted six ministers in an investigation in 2011 into the personal use of church-owned airplanes, luxury homes and credit cards by pastors and their families, the Associated Press reports.
All six insisted they comply with tax regulations for religious nonprofits. Dollar was one of four ministers who refused to cooperate with the investigation.

Bishop Eddie Long of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Georgia is being accused of having had an abusive gay relationship with a teen in a new book published earlier this week.

The accuser, Centino Kemp, was one of the five young men who settled out of court with Long over the alleged sexual relationships. Long has denied the accusations and tried to move on, but the newly published book, titled First Lady, co-written by Kemp and T. Benson Glover, has already surged to the No. 8 spot on Amazon's non-fiction Kindle section.
The "tell-all" biography of Kemp shares of a violent encounter between him and Long in 2006 in Miami at Keiser University, where the bishop allegedly physically assaulted the teenager. The account also includes a reference to a sexual relationship between the two, hidden from Long's wife and family.
Kemp, who unlike other accusers of Long was not a member of New Birth Missionary, describes his long and troubled past, sharing of parents who were absent from his life and did not provide him the support he needed growing up. Kemp also admits to being gay and reveals how that affected him over the years.
"With heart wrenching passages about a young boy who was reared in a tight-knit small church community, the book unveils a portrait of a gorgeous mother 'with a stunning red-bone complexion' and a Haitian father who himself was also an author, but largely absent from his son's life," The Examiner states.
Long had been accused by five young men of abusing his spiritual authority by lavishing them with gifts and coercing them into sexual acts during overnight trips. The men, who were teens at the time the alleged acts took place, filed lawsuits in 2010. The preacher settled the lawsuits out of court in 2011.
The New Birth pastor, who is married and has four children, has denied the allegations that he seduced the men and said there was no sexual contact. He did, however, admit that he gave the young men gifts, helped them financially and took them on trips.
More recently, Long was hit by a separate lawsuit earlier this week filed by several former church members who claim that the pastor encouraged them to invest money in a company that had a $3 million capital deficit.
The alleged Ponzi scheme, ran by social capitalist Ephren W. Taylor who led a series of financial seminars in October 2009 at New Birth church, took more than $1 million in investments from 12 former members.
"If Bishop Eddie Long hadn't endorsed this they wouldn't have invested," plaintiffs attorney Jason Doss explained – though Long has called upon Taylor to return all money taken and repay the victims with interest.

That is just three of the recent scandals involving some of the better known Tele Evangelists,what follows are some articles on how these people live,if after you read this you still want to sent them money,the P.T Barnum was right "There is a sucker born everyday" Follow the links below and see where your money is going...
To close let me quote Matthew 7:156  "“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves"
One more example...

Paul and Jan Crouch's Earthly Empire... TBN
TBN's Annual Income, Salaries, The Crouch’s Homes, The TBN Building and Private Suites - See more at: http://www.inplainsite.org/html/tele-evangelist_lifestyles.html#sthash.QmPH17AY.dpuf


Paul and Jan Crouch's Earthly Empire... TBN
TBN's Annual Income, Salaries, The Crouch’s Homes, The TBN Building and Private Suites - See more at: http://www.inplainsite.org/html/tele-evangelist_lifestyles.html#sthash.QmPH17AY.dpuf
Salaries, 18,280 square foot Parsonage/Housing Allowances, Private Airport for nine aircraft, Travel and Shopping
Creflo Dollar
Rolls-Royces, private jets, million-dollar Atlanta home and $2.5 million Manhattan apartment
Paula (And Randy) White
If one can afford a $2.1 million home on Bayshore Boulevard and a $3.5 million Trump Tower condo in New York, giving away a Bentley as a birthday gift is no big deal.
Benny Hinn
10 million seaside mansion; a private jet, a Mercedes SUV and convertible, and “layovers” between crusades at the cost of $900 - $3,000 per night at locations including Hawaii, Cancun, London, Milan etc.
Joyce Meyer Ministry Headquarters, Sports Cars and Plane, Meyer's Irrevocable Trust, Family Compound (including aerial view) and Personal Spending
Eddie Long
favors Gucci sunglasses, gold necklaces, diamond bracelets, Rolex watches and Bentleys, and says he is "on a different scale than the little black preacher sitting over there" . I'll say!
“Bishop” Elijah Bernard Jordan This meglomaniac takes the proverbial cake, considering that the ceiling of one room in his multi million dollar mansion in an exclusive gated community, features a painting of Jordan on a throne – as God – with his three sons hovering around him as angels.
T.D. Jakes
$2.6 million luxurious pink brick, seven-bedroom home with swimming pool in the affluent White Rock Lake area of Dallas...next door to the former mansion of oil tycoon H.L. Hunt.
John Hagee
One of the best paid men on earth
Pat Robertson
has taken the word 'Christian' leader to new lows
Fred Price
commutes by private jet between his two churches
Juanita Bynum
A "more than a million dollar," black-tie wedding, Swarovski Crystal embellished gown, a 7.76-carat diamond ring and a $4.5 million estate.
The Crystal Cathedral
This "Hollywood" church, in the true sense of the word, spent spent between $13 million and $15 million on a lavish production called "Creation", then declared bankruptcy. No kidding!
Rodney Howard-Browne
the "bartender of holy laughter"
James MacDonald
A $1.9 million house puts him in some very interesting company
Mike Murdock
This "Wal-Mart guy" has a $25,000 Rolex adorning his wrist, and takes notes with a $4,500 fountain pen.
- See more at: http://www.inplainsite.org/html/tele-evangelist_lifestyles.html#sthash.4CeAu70X.dpuf

Paul and Jan Crouch's Earthly Empire... TBN
TBN's Annual Income, Salaries, The Crouch’s Homes, The TBN Building and Private Suites
Joel Osteen Lakewood Church and Osteen’s 10.5 million Dollar Home
Kenneth Copeland
Salaries, 18,280 square foot Parsonage/Housing Allowances, Private Airport for nine aircraft, Travel and Shopping
Creflo Dollar
Rolls-Royces, private jets, million-dollar Atlanta home and $2.5 million Manhattan apartment
Paula (And Randy) White
If one can afford a $2.1 million home on Bayshore Boulevard and a $3.5 million Trump Tower condo in New York, giving away a Bentley as a birthday gift is no big deal.
Benny Hinn
10 million seaside mansion; a private jet, a Mercedes SUV and convertible, and “layovers” between crusades at the cost of $900 - $3,000 per night at locations including Hawaii, Cancun, London, Milan etc.
Joyce Meyer Ministry Headquarters, Sports Cars and Plane, Meyer's Irrevocable Trust, Family Compound (including aerial view) and Personal Spending
Eddie Long
favors Gucci sunglasses, gold necklaces, diamond bracelets, Rolex watches and Bentleys, and says he is "on a different scale than the little black preacher sitting over there" . I'll say!
“Bishop” Elijah Bernard Jordan This meglomaniac takes the proverbial cake, considering that the ceiling of one room in his multi million dollar mansion in an exclusive gated community, features a painting of Jordan on a throne – as God – with his three sons hovering around him as angels.
T.D. Jakes
$2.6 million luxurious pink brick, seven-bedroom home with swimming pool in the affluent White Rock Lake area of Dallas...next door to the former mansion of oil tycoon H.L. Hunt.
John Hagee
One of the best paid men on earth
Pat Robertson
has taken the word 'Christian' leader to new lows
Fred Price
commutes by private jet between his two churches
Juanita Bynum
A "more than a million dollar," black-tie wedding, Swarovski Crystal embellished gown, a 7.76-carat diamond ring and a $4.5 million estate.
The Crystal Cathedral
This "Hollywood" church, in the true sense of the word, spent spent between $13 million and $15 million on a lavish production called "Creation", then declared bankruptcy. No kidding!
Rodney Howard-Browne
the "bartender of holy laughter"
James MacDonald
A $1.9 million house puts him in some very interesting company
Mike Murdock
This "Wal-Mart guy" has a $25,000 Rolex adorning his wrist, and takes notes with a $4,500 fountain pen.

- See more at: http://www.inplainsite.org/html/tele-evangelist_lifestyles.html#sthash.4CeAu70X.dpuf
Salaries, 18,280 square foot Parsonage/Housing Allowances, Private Airport for nine aircraft, Travel and Shopping
Creflo Dollar
Rolls-Royces, private jets, million-dollar Atlanta home and $2.5 million Manhattan apartment
Paula (And Randy) White
If one can afford a $2.1 million home on Bayshore Boulevard and a $3.5 million Trump Tower condo in New York, giving away a Bentley as a birthday gift is no big deal.
Benny Hinn
10 million seaside mansion; a private jet, a Mercedes SUV and convertible, and “layovers” between crusades at the cost of $900 - $3,000 per night at locations including Hawaii, Cancun, London, Milan etc.
Joyce Meyer Ministry Headquarters, Sports Cars and Plane, Meyer's Irrevocable Trust, Family Compound (including aerial view) and Personal Spending
Eddie Long
favors Gucci sunglasses, gold necklaces, diamond bracelets, Rolex watches and Bentleys, and says he is "on a different scale than the little black preacher sitting over there" . I'll say!
“Bishop” Elijah Bernard Jordan This meglomaniac takes the proverbial cake, considering that the ceiling of one room in his multi million dollar mansion in an exclusive gated community, features a painting of Jordan on a throne – as God – with his three sons hovering around him as angels.
T.D. Jakes
$2.6 million luxurious pink brick, seven-bedroom home with swimming pool in the affluent White Rock Lake area of Dallas...next door to the former mansion of oil tycoon H.L. Hunt.
John Hagee
One of the best paid men on earth
Pat Robertson
has taken the word 'Christian' leader to new lows
Fred Price
commutes by private jet between his two churches
Juanita Bynum
A "more than a million dollar," black-tie wedding, Swarovski Crystal embellished gown, a 7.76-carat diamond ring and a $4.5 million estate.
The Crystal Cathedral
This "Hollywood" church, in the true sense of the word, spent spent between $13 million and $15 million on a lavish production called "Creation", then declared bankruptcy. No kidding!
Rodney Howard-Browne
the "bartender of holy laughter"
James MacDonald
A $1.9 million house puts him in some very interesting company
Mike Murdock
This "Wal-Mart guy" has a $25,000 Rolex adorning his wrist, and takes notes with a $4,500 fountain pen.
- See more at: http://www.inplainsite.org/html/tele-evangelist_lifestyles.html#sthash.4CeAu70X.dpuf

Thursday, January 30, 2014

BREAKING NEWS..."The Life and Times of Toronto mayor Rob Ford" coming soon with Chris Farley playing the mayor....

Goldstein,Goldstein &,Goldstein,productions will bring to the big screen the colorful life of Toronto's mayor Rob Ford,according to the Hollywood Reporter,this epic film will start shooting in the Toronto area,as soon as the producers are able to contact Chris Farley,who seems no one has heard from in the last few years,according to the paper the producers want Mr Farley to play the trouble Mayor,for his uncanny resemblance to  Mr Ford,as far as a director for the film,it has been confirmed that,talks  are under way with famous movie director Martin Scorsese ,the producers of the Ford film were extremely impressed with Mr Scorsese,know how and handling of the many drug scenes in his latest movie "The Wolf Of Wall Street" .Shooting is slated to begin no later than summer 2014..
                                                                      Rob Ford
Chris Farley