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Thursday, December 17, 2009


All of a sudden a very small but very loud minority in our country,wants to reverse our Christian tradition of celebrating the birth of the most important person of the last 2000 years,Yes, JESUS CHRIST,our Lord and Savior.
Well, we are a Christian nation, and have been celebrating Christmas for many years and should continue to do so,if you don't believe in our Christ and don't want to be associated or celebrate his birth with the majority of us that's fine,then you should show the rest of the world that you don't believe or celebrate his birth by doing the following:
1-On Dec 25 you go to work like any other day.
2-Don't give or RECEIVE gifts from anyone.(if you do then you are celebrating our tradition of giving gifts as way to celebrate the birth of Jesus).
3-Don't put up any Christmas decorations, including a tree,etc.

So, there you have it a great way for non believers to demonstrate that they are not like everyone else,but if you don't, then you are nothing but a HYPOCRITE.

Also, we don't go around telling other cultures which holidays they may or may not celebrate,or what traditions of theirs we don't like, and therefore they must change them in order to appease us.
l mean, personally think that going to Mecca two weeks every year,trampling on other people to trow rocks at a Stone,thinking that l am killing the devil is obsurd,but that its their tradition and l wouldn't dream of telling Muslims to change their beliefs,just cause l don't agree with them.
So stop trying to make us change, cause someone is gonna be offended.
If you are offended,well all l can say is TOO BAD...

To all my friends and enemies MERRY CHRITSMAS....