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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Labels and Contradictions

It never ceases to amazed me,how people get hung up on labels and beliefs that everyone must be identified according to their own narrow views of the world.
Descriptions such as Liberal or Conservative are obsolete as far as l am concerned.

For example, many of my friends cannot understand how can l find good and bad in different political issues that may seem totally opposite,lets see,if l write that Obama is making a mistake by attacking Fox news,my Right wing friends like it,my left wing friends think that l am some kind of dentally impaired fanatic, both are wrong, my point is that a free a press must be allowed to exists even when we don't agree with their editorial context,l am not taking sides.

When l write that l am all for the Health care reform that our president is trying to pass, then l am some kind of Socialist advocate ,again wrong, l am a thinking Capitalist who is not blinded by political dogma and can see that Health Reform is needed right now.
l don't see a conspiracy behind every rock,we need to open up our brains and learn to accept whats good about a political issue,and also see whats bad about it, and not to be afraid to say so regardless of what others may say or think,but always we must learn to have a different view, RESPECTING the other person beliefs.

It makes sad when people even families will not speak to each other,cause one is republican and the other is a democrat,or if you live here in Puerto Rico a Popular or a PNP,its crazy to go thru life hating and dissing people,because of a difference of opinions, when after all,NO ONE HAS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH,so lets be a bit more understanding and respectful of others beliefs.

And that's all l am gonna say about that.